Saturday, October 5, 2013

It Feels Like One of Those Nights...

31 days of girl growing up

When Taylor Swift, AKA the musical love of my life, dropped her latest album almost a year ago, I was beyond thrilled to listen to the entire album on repeat, but some of the tracks stood out.

A couple because their Taylor-trademarked-honesty (if you scoff her as an artist, please go listen to the moving "All Too Well" and then let's talk). And a couple because they were so darn catchy you couldn't help but want to dance around your room. One of those catchy songs is "22".

It's a song that, admittedly, could be sung by a cookie-cutter pop star, but I love it. I say all of this, not only because I can't stand the idea of doing a 31 Day Link-up without talking about Taylor Swift, but because tonight feels like a happy night. A dance-around-my-room night. And this song is perfect for one of those nights.
Oh, and PS: If you don't have a song that makes you want to jump on your bed singing into a hairbrush, I think you're missing out on life. And I think that's a very sad thing.

I wanna dance like Manny on Modern Family... This scene always makes me giggle!  
I wanna dance like Manny on Modern Family... This scene always makes me giggle!

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