Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A "Real Life" Post.

Last night, I found out my Uncle Mike died.

There's a chance some of you are like, Yeesh, Chelsea, what the heck? Isn't that private? Is that really something you want to share on your blog?

If you're new around here, or you think this is too real, I agree. 

I desperately wish this wasn't real. 

But it is. 

Cancer is real. 

And yeah, sure, if I didn't talk about it, I'd be sparing myself a few awkward moments of not being sure what to say, or how to act okay when I'm not feeling okay. When I constantly feel like throwing up. 

But if I don't say something, I think I might regret it. 

Because this is an opportunity to let people know how prevalent, how real, and how evil cancer is; how evil it can be, how evil it was to Mike, and sadly, how evil it will be to more people in the future.

Now I feel even more encouraged to run, raising awareness and raising money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

I pray that I can keep Mike's spirit in mind, not just throughout my training process with Team in Training, but throughout my entire life. 

He was an incredible man, and I'm so thankful for his influence in my life. 


  1. SO sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family is in my thoughts and prayers. You're right cancer is all to real, I've had way too many family members pass away from it. Evil disease. Hold those memories close to your heart, he's always with you! Hugs xo

    1. Kate, thank you SO much! I'm so sorry to hear that cancer has affected your family too. Your prayers and kind words mean more than I can say- xoxo!

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. Cancer unfortunately affects us all whether friend, family, or co-worker. This is your blog and you need to use it to express yourself however you feel you need to. We need to bring light to the awful disease of cancer.

    1. I really appreciate that, especially from someone I admire, Jessica! (Hope that's not creepy...? haha) It's not something I like talking about, but you're right about the necessity of bringing the bad stuff to light.
