Monday, December 30, 2013

In Response to "23 Things To Do Instead Of Getting Engaged Before Youre 23"

Guys. Generally speaking, I'm not a Facebook-poster.


This article came along...

And then I had to be "that girl" that put my two cents on social media, like anyone cared.

Thankfully, people did care, and here are my thoughts:

Ooh... Y'all. Everybody's lovin' this "23 Things To Do Instead of Getting Engaged Before You're 23" article but I'll be honest: it's kind of, sort of, utterly pretentious. The idea that one cannot travel, achieve higher education, and explore if one is in a committed relationship is insane. I give kudos to self-aware people who realize they need more time alone or haven't met the right person yet. Marriage isn't just for funsies, and I respect people who respect the sanctity of the whole thing. However, I have just as much respect for the people who've traded in their (more self-centered) individual lives for a lifetime of adventures with their best friend. When done right, marriage isn't a death sentence, or a guarantee for a divorce. Ultimately, each situation, each individual, and each couple is unique, and I think we need to remember that before passing too much judgment as single folks. 

Of course, I added a smiley face to the end, because I didn't want to seem too sassy :)

Because I don't think Vanessa, the original post's author, meant to offend anyone, or belittle anyone's decisions (at least that's what I'm choosing to believe). I think she was just missing a few pieces of a big, intricate puzzle. And I had to add those pieces.

Because lately, I've seen a lot of my fellow single people (defining single as neither engaged nor married) acting all hostile and "Ugh, if I see one more stupid engagement ring picture I'm going to kill someone...." and it's not cute. Or nice, for that matter. And seeing so many people repost this article was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

Let's just be happy for everyone, single and traveling the world, single and sitting on the couch watching Netflix, or married and doing the same thing. Because when it comes down to it, if we're all happy, aren't we all winners?

Just my two cents, and I figured my blog would be the ideal spot to post that loose change.

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