Tuesday, January 7, 2014

41 in 14

Resolutions work for some people. In fact, resolutions probably work for many people.

However, I am not one of those people.

If I make broad, sweeping resolutions, it won't be pretty: "Hmm, I know I said I'd eat clean every day this year, but what's one day of nothing but nachos/ cake/ wine/ all of the carbs? I'll get back on track tomorrow." And then (spoiler alert!) I never get back on track tomorrow.

I've always been bummed about my bad track record with resolutions, because I do like bettering myself, so I was super excited when I got an idea from Our Life On a Budget. Stasia wrote "65 Things 365 Days," or 65 things she wanted to accomplish in a year, and the list-maker in me got super excited.

It was the perfect plan: come up with a list of things I wanted to accomplish at some point in the year. Personally, that seems way less overwhelming than standard resolutions, and I'm so excited to accomplish all 41 of these goals!

1. Stick to a weekly/ monthly cleaning schedule
2. Organize my file folder of important files/ pictures
3. Back up/ organize my computer
4. Move to a town-home in the fall
5. Make gallery wall in said town-home
6. Create a budget and stick to it!
7. Create recipe/ meal planning binder and use it!
8. Clean my closet/jewelry, organize it

9. Put a Pinterest button on my pics
10. Establish/grow relationships with other bloggers
11. Post my 5 on Friday on Friday (and all other link-ups) on time!
12. Reach 50 followers (AKA ten times what I have now!)
13. Join more weekly linkups

14. Make the President’s List again both semesters. (That involves three more 4.0s! Eek!)
15. Walk to class every day- unless it is torrentially pouring down rain
16. Attend Ain’t Patty’s Day bar crawl
17. Find a church to attend regularly (kind of tired of our old one...)
18. Watch at least one game per season in the major sports (soccer, basketball, football, volleyball, baseball)
19. Host my younger cousins to a Clemson visit
20. Go to one class at Fike (Clemson's gym) per week
21. Do family dinners once a month (living with my brother and cousin next year should help!)
22. Get together with school friends outside of school

23. Read a daily devotional each day
24. Get a summer job
25. Save up for a DSLR camera
26. Learn how to use said camera (and possibly Adobe Photoshop...)
27. Get into the best shape of my (almost 22 year) life.
28. Run a half marathon!
29. Learn to use my Wilton Cake Decorator and make pretty things for friends and family
30. Be a bridesmaid!
31. Run at least 1000 miles!
32. Read 12 books
33. Write Team in Training donation letter, exceed fundraising goal!
34. Find a volunteer group to participate in regularly at school
35. Complete the March of Dimes walk in honor, and in memory, of my preemie cousins
36. Keep a balanced checkbook so I don’t overdraft (a bigger problem than one might think!)

37. Email my grandparents once a week and Charlotte once a month (on the first!)
38. Visit Michigan with my family
39. Go on at least 1 date per month with John
40. Shag the night away to a live band
41. Take a long weekend trip this summer with John

Ta-da!  There you have it! I even plan on making a tab at the top of the blog so I can hold myself accountable, and you can keep up with my progress throughout the year! (Update: here is said tab!)


  1. These are such great goals to have for 2014!


  2. That's exactly why I did it, Rebecca! Must be the type A in me, but it'll help long term :) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Such awesome goals! If you need help or advice on cameras / camera editing, I can totally help. I also took a Dave Ramsey class through my church with John about budgeting, and it was life changing! I would love to tell you more if you want to tackle finances head on!

  4. Great list! I would love to get (and learn to use) a DSLR camera too!

    1. Thanks, Allie! I think it'd make blogging even more fun!

  5. Love this list!! If you get a DSLR camera...you will love it!!! If you have any questions about one, let me know :)
